Guided tours

Individual visits

Public visits cannot be arranged for individuals, but individual visitors may join groups.


Do you wish to visit the Federal Parliament with friends, your classmates or an association?

First see our virtual tour.

The Belgian Parliament (Senate and Chamber of Representatives) arranges guided tours every day (except on Sunday) for groups between 10 and 30 people. Visits start at 10:00 and 11:00 am and at 2:00 and 3:00 pm. Estimated duration: 1.5 hour. Please note that visits can be shorter on Fridays, due to the plenary session. You will however, be able to attend the session from the public tribune.

Visits are free of charge and scheduled upon appointment. A guide shows you around the Palace of Nation and the hemicycles and gives you an insight of the history of the premises.

To reserve a group visit, please contact:

Léon Tombal
SENATE - Protocol, Reception and Communication Department
Place de la Nation 1
1009 Brussels
tel. 02/501.73.55
fax 02/501.74.14
[email protected]

Please fill in the form to schedule your visit